Seminar "History and outlook on the Data Protection Territory Dilemma" at Revision 2022

Netpoet - History and outlook on the Data Protection Territory Dilemma (Revision 2022)

Franks Seminar auf der Revision 2022 (auf Englisch)

Netpoet - History and outlook on the Data Protection Territory Dilemma (Revision 2022)

Topic of the seminar

In this almost 90 minutes long talk, Netpoet (Frank Stiegler) talks about why it is legally difficult, according to GDPR standards, to transfer/process personal data outside the EU/EEA, what has been done to fix it, why the attempts have failed so far, what the EU seems to be trying to solve the problem this time, and why this attempt is likely to fail again.

Frank looks grumpy/tense in the video. He's not in a bad mood, just terribly focused on several things at the same time, from the actual content to changing to the right scenes at the right time, from speaking clearly to finding the right words in English, from remembering what will come next to figuring out whether the just spoken sentence had errors in it. Plus, it was quite hot because of the lighting. You do that and look better! :)

Presentation on the Data Protection Territory Dilemma

The presentation's background is green to make the greenscreening in the video work. :)

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